Absolutely Electric

*The Porsche Taycan is the only fully electric Porsche

Insight: People are hesitant and afraid to flip their beliefs to the opposite side

Idea: Bring EV skeptics to the electric side

Get There in a Flash

People don’t know that the Taycan is the quickest car Porsche has ever made. People also don’t know that Nyck De Vries is a two-time Formula E world champion -- and a part time Uber driver.

So we’re sending Nyck out to pick up unassuming passengers in the Taycan and drive them to their destination. Fast. Of course, hidden cameras will record their reactions, proving how thrilling their experience was.

Bring the Noise

EV skeptics often don’t like EVs because they think they don’t make as much noise as gas powered vehicles.

Porsche will prove the Taycan makes plenty of noise by getting the biggest DJs to create an Electronica genre album using only sampled noises from the Porsche Taycan. The album will be debuted at a one-time exclusive drive-in concert, with your Taycan as your ticket.

Pass Gas With Jeremy Clarkson Pt I

We’ll pull 100 people who posted their aversion to EVs to attend a Taycan test-drive event.

Top Gear host and notorious Porsche-hater — Jeremy Clarkson — will kick off the event, because making a believer out of Jeremy Clarkson means we can make a believer out of anyone.

Jeremy Clarkson

Pass Gas With Jeremy Clarkson Pt 2

At the test-drive event, Porsche will attach a heart rate monitor to drivers to measure their thrill levels while driving the Taycan. Each driver will receive a photo of their peak BPM they can post in response to their previous post, proving that the Porsche Taycan changed their mind about EVs.

My Role: Copywriter and Art Director

Daniel Mariscal: Copywriter and Art Director


What's Next?


Chad GPT